On Making Software Go Vroom

June 14th, 2024

Of all the feedback I get about WebODM, few people complain about the speed of the software. In fact, the software is often praised for its speed of processing compared to other alternatives. I care about speed and memory efficiency, a lot. I will go out of my way to avoid bloat and I write software accordingly. But this is not driven by some obsession to keep things lean. Instead, it is a self-imposed constraint dictated by my choice of […]

The Internet 2024

June 12th, 2024

At the risk of sounding like an old man, the internet has changed a lot. Not all changes have been positive. Before starting a conversation about what is disappointing about the modern internet, we should list some of the things I do not miss about the old internet: What I do miss about the old internet: The modern internet has evolved and there’s no turning back. With that evolution we now have: But we also have: The points above share […]